In 1999, Jérôme joined his parents on the family estate. Viticulture has always been his destiny.
« When I was little, I used to go to the vineyards with my grandfather. I have always liked the contact with nature. I have never imagined doing anything else. There was no alternative. »
Very quickly, he gets involved in projects, commits to an ambitious approach particularly in terms of respect for the environment.
« I need to set new objectives to achieve and to constantly seek to develop our practices and improve them wherever possible. Standing still is not an option. »
This philosophy is shared by Amélie :
« We have the opportunity to constantly learn and progress. It would be a shame not to do so. »
It was in 2010 that Amélie joined the domain. At the time she was working with the Desjardin champagne house in Ecueil. In 2013 both houses joined forces under the name of Champagne Gross. Together is better. It is as if the merger brought the house its perfect balance.